About us
Mission and Value Statement
Our mission is to provide an educational setting for students who are challenged educationally and socially in the traditional school setting and to offer them an opportunity to reach their educational goals and to work at their own pace with a prescribed educational plan. AMA creates an atmosphere that stimulates academic success, also we provide positive techniques for students to build character and to become life-long learners in this ever changing culturally diverse society. An opportunity is also given to parents and guardians to be involved in their child’s educational process and gain knowledge of the school’s expectation. As we partner with our families, we provide educational resources to help students and families to reach their potential in life.
Get to know our staff
Dedicated Teachers and Staff Members
Our staff are dedicated to enhancing the lives of children with diverse special needs by providing evaluations and other services for children to achieve full and independent lives.
Professional and graduated
Our Staff are Guided by the Principles of
Above and beyond our already stringent code of ethics and guidelines for education, our professional staff are guided by the principals and ethical codes of the following State and Federal Organizations:
ISBE.net - Illinois State Board of Education
IDEA- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
LEAs- Local Education Agencies
IAASE- Illinois Alliance of Administrators of Special Education
SELA- Special Education Leadership Academy
CEC- Council for Exceptional Children)
NASET- National Association of Special Education Teachers
NCLD- National Center for Learning Disabilities
IAPSEC- Illinois Association of Private Special Education Centers